Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Refreshing Madrid

Although the economic situation is going through Spain and other countries of the European Union, in the centre of Madrid some people decided to recover old places that were closed for years, to reactivate the life that they had years ago, and thus, the spanish economy. The parts of an unrivaled heritage serves as an excuse for some entrepreneurs to start businesses unprecedented in this country, and they are slowly populating some areas of the city from a new generation of consumers, attracted by an original and a spaces that have been recovered from their traditional past to become a new concept of wellness, hospitality and co-working spaces.

The Monocle journal produced this report deepening on some of these new spaces that recover the bustle of years ago, or just serve different purposes for which they were designed.

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

That's how they see us

This video was recorded at Reina Sofia museum, in Madrid, and shows in a very nice way, how foreign people living in Madrid sees just the people of Madrid. They were asked among other things, why locals are called cats, or what most called their attention about citizens of Madrid.

The video ends with a famous saying very well know here: "From Madrid to Heaven".

* Why citicens of Madrid are called cats (gatos).
* Symbolism of El Oso y el Madroño (the bear and the strawberry tree)..

Thursday, February 7, 2013

Spanish experience in UK

Even though last A taste of Spain festival was celebrated almost 2 years ago, at the website of Telegraph diary you can find a full coverage of this "fiesta", that were hosted at Regent Street in 2011, promoted by the Spanish Tourist Board. You can read an excellent guide here, or maybe watching a movie summarizing that event. Hopefully happen again!.

Santander's way of life

Christmas Day 2012 a group of men belonging to a choir were in a bar of Santander, in the north of Spain, singing some country songs. One of those songs was "Santander la marinera", written by Chema Puente. Actually this may be the song that more accurately describes Santander's lifestyle...